> 春节2024 > 我说你几月几号过年英文




问题 回答


春节在农历正月初一,用英语表示为\"The Spring Festival is on the first day of the lunar calendar\"。


春节的英文名称是\"Spring Festival\"。正月初一在英文中可以表达为\"the first day of the lunar calendar\"。

春节是几月几日英语 - 业百科

春节是农历正月初一,用英语表示为\"The Spring Festival is on the first day of the lunar calendar\"。春节是中国传统的年节,是一年之始。

今年春节是什么时候 用英语怎么说 - CPj663bfJ7 的回答

今年的春节是什么时候?在英语中可以问\"When is the Spring Festival of this year?\" 或者询问\"When is Spring Festival this year?\"。



  1. 春节是在农历的哪一天?
  2. 在春节的时候,人们会做哪些庆祝活动?
  3. 春节期间的传统食物有哪些?

回答:1. 春节是在农历正月初一。2. 春节期间,人们会拜年、赏花灯、放鞭炮、吃团圆饭等庆祝活动。3. 春节期间的传统食物有饺子、年糕、鱼等。


中国的新年在什么时候?可以用英语表示为\"What time is the Chinese New Year in China?\" 或者\"What time does China celebrate the New Year?\"。


春节是中国传统节日,用英语表示为\"The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday\"。并且可以表达为\"I like the Spring Festival\"。



My Spring Festival

Last year\'s Spring Festival was special. My uncle and my grandmother came to our house for a family reunion. We prepared a big feast with lots of delicious food. We also set off fireworks and watched the beautiful lanterns. On the first day of the lunar calendar, we wore new clothes and visited our relatives and friends to give them blessings. It was a joyful and meaningful time. I really enjoyed celebrating the Spring Festival with my loved ones.


春节的英文可以表达为\"Spring Festival\",其中可以加上 \"the\",即\"the Spring Festival\"。