> 春节2024 > 还有几天就快要过年了英文





1. 并无特别之事。2. Chinese New Year is almost here. 或者 (Chinese New Year is just around the corner.) 这样说会更流畅一些。

译成英文还有几天就过年了, 有时间我会拍一些最近拍的照片给...

It\'s only a few days left until Chinese New Year arrives. When I have the time, I will take some photos of recent events and send them to you.

春节就要来到了用英语怎么说 nearly_作业帮

春节就要来到了 The Spring Festival is almost here.


我要回家过年 I\'m going back home to celebrate Chinese New Year.


将过一个多月,我们中国人要过春节了 It will be over a month before we Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival.

...ndgirls. 为什么要用YOU?YOU有什么含义没?还有什么同类的用法?

You 就是你们,就是你们这些外国的男孩和女孩。精简的翻译就成了外国的朋友们了。这只是人们口语上的一种说话方式,用来指代外国人。 You 就是你们,就是你们这些外国。

【英语翻译翻译成英文,thx! 又一个春节来了,明天就是大年夜了...

我只尝试一下,不是为了分数,只是想帮帮你。The Spring Festival is approaching, and tomorrow is New Year\'s Eve. Let\'s get together and have a big celebration!


你是要春节的英语还是过春节的英语?一个是名词,一个是动词。春节: Spring Festival. 过春节: celebrate Spring Festival. 你是要春节的英语还是过春节的英语?

【汉译英, 地道】你打算在这过春节吗?我春节不回家乡,但是也是要...

Are you planning to spend the Spring Festival here? I won\'t go back to my hometown during the Spring Festival, but I still intend to celebrate it.


Spring Festival is approaching. My family and I would like to invite you to celebrate it with us.